Art Show Raffle
Art Show Raffle
Each year, the Hall of Fame Banquet hosts a silent auction in the form of a raffle. Attendees purchase raffle tickets and choose which artwork they find of interest and place the ticket in the box located near the artwork. Proceeds from the raffle will be given directly to the charity group being recognized for the evening.
If you would like to donate artwork to be raffled, please contact
Marv Nielsen at dozer-man@msn.com
Original artwork, prints of original artwork, photo art, etc. should be no larger than 20"X30" and signed by artist. Other art work, such as sculptures and pinstriped objects should be of a manageable size. Include some marketing materials to display with your work. This would provide great exposure to a pretty high end group of automotive enthusiasts at our annual awards banquet and art show.
The Hall of Fame asks that pinstriping works be presented on objects other that flat panels, but on more creative and unique objects such as bottles, bowling pins, toolboxes, or... how creative can you get?