About Us
The Northwest's Legacy of Hot Rodding

Established in 1986 by Walt & Joanie Kaplin, the Washington State Hot Rod Hall of Fame serves to honor those men and women who give so much to our community. The First inductees were in 1987. It was a thriving organization for nine years but dwindled by the mid 90's due to Walt's health. It was then revived in 2007 by Pat D'Ambrosio and a group of people who wanted to bring back the tradition of recognizing all of the volunteerism and hard work that so many people put in year after year to promote and enrich the hobby.
The Washington State Hot Hall of Fame perpetual trophy is on display at the historical Triple-XXX Root Beer Drive-In in Issaquah, WA. Inductees are engraved on the trophy every year to preserve the legacy.
It is a distinct honor to be inducted into the Washington State Hot Rod Hall of Fame and inductees are limited to a prestigious group that is carefully selected to preserve the significance of this special recognition. Nominations are received annually from the hot rod community and reviewed by a screening and selection committee comprised of current staff and previous inductees.
The Washington State Hot Rod Hall of Fame Banquet and Induction ceremony is a major fund raising event for charities and scholarships. It is fitting that the occasion bestows this high honor on individuals who have selflessly given their time to promote the hobby.
Update: September 28, 2024 - Washington State Hot Rod Hall of Fame has changed it's name to Washington State & Greater Northwest Hot Rod Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame will include Washington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon.