Scholarship Info
Scholarship Information and History
2011 was the first year Washington State Hot Rod Hall of Fame awarded an automotive scholarship. Our goal was to award one or two $2000 scholarships each year to a deserving young individual(s) who are students at Lake Washington Institute of Technology.
We strive to recognize desire and talent in our industry, not by considering highest grade point average, but by recognizing students with the drive to succeed who are in need of financial assistance to reach their automotive dreams. When we started offering scholarships, our scholarship director suggested we reach out to LWIT. We've found LWTI's program and reputation so impressive, the faculty so cooperative, and the students so talented, we decided to provide our scholarships to students of this college exclusively.
To be eligible for the Washington State Hot Rod Hall of Fame scholarships, students must be enrolled at LWIT in any automotive, motorcycle, marine, diesel and heavy equipment, or power equipment program; currently hold a 3.0 or higher grade point average; receive a letter of recommendation from a member of LWIT'S faculty; and submit an essay on how they came to be at LWIT. A scholarship committee reviews applications and determines the recipients.
For information on LWIT's transportation technology programs, please visit www.lwtech.edu.
To reach the Scholarship Director Shag Clark please email streetrat38@msn.com
If you would like to sponsor or co-sponsor a scholarship, please contact Shag at streetrat38@msn.com
Please see the dropdown menus for past recipients and sponsors.